Pango Pay-by-Phone gives you a smarter and easier way to park. No longer do you have to look for change, deal with parking machines, or worry about a costly parking ticket. With Pango, you can pay for parking quickly and easily through your cell phone and customize your parking account to suit your needs.


To sign-up for the Pango service, fill in the information on this page. The fields that are marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. Fields without an asterisk can be completed at your discretion and are designed to help us improve and customize our service for you.


Upon completing entering he information, click on the "Confirm" button at the bottom of the page to create your account., your information will be verified, after which you will see a success notification screen. You will also receive a text message to your cell phone and an email.


Once you are registered, you will be able to enjoy the many advantages of parking with Pango, including access to advanced account management features on our web-site pages such as:

·         Edit Profile – add more drivers and/or cars to your account, set default parking information to help speed up your regular parking activities, update your personal/logon/billing information and so on

·         Reports – use the Parking, Parking Summary and Parking Statement reports to receive extensive and detailed information on all of your parking activities and costs.


Field Help Explanation


Action:            Currently showing when user hovers over field



Personal Details:


First Name (mandatory):                                 Your first (given) name, as appears on your credit card.

Last Name (mandatory):                                 Your last (family) name, as appears on your credit card.

Gender (optional):                                           Your gender.

Account Identification Number (mandatory): Please enter a 4-digit number (e.g. the last 4 digits of your Social Security or  driver's license numbers). This number will be used for identifcation purposes when you access your account and/or park your car.

Date of Birth (optional):                                 Month, day, and year of your birth.

Address (mandatory):                                     Street address for this account.

City (mandatory):                                           City for this account (no abbreviations please).

State (mandatory):                                          State for this account (please choose from list).

Zip Code (mandatory):                                   5-digit zip code for this account.



Parking Information:


Cell Phone (mandatory):                                 The number of the cell phone you will use when you call the Pango service to park your car. This is also the number that the Pango service will use for text message notifications.

Car License Plate Number (mandatory):        Your car's license plate number. The Pango service will use this car by default when you call to activate parking. After sign-up is complete, you will be able to add more cars to your account (or change the default car for your account) on the Edit Profile page.

Car License Plate State (mandatory):             The 2-character US state code of the car’s license plate (please choose from list).

Personal Reminder Service (optional):            Keep this box checked if you wish to receive a reminder text or phone call several minutes before each parking session expires. This is a premium service, offering an unlimited number of reminders for a low fixed monthly fee.





Login Information:


Email (mandatory):                                         The email address to which you wish to receive notifications from Pango. It will also be your username for your account. After sign-up is complete, you will be able to change your username, if you wish, on the Edit Profile page.

Internet User Password (mandatory):             Enter a password of 8 digits and characters. After sign-up is complete, you will be able to change your password, if you wish, on the Edit Profile page.

Confirm User Password (mandatory):            Re-enter your selected password for confirmation.




Billing Information:


Signing up for the Pango service is free of charge! Your credit card information is required to activate your new account, but you will only be charged for your parking related activities and services.


Payment Method:                               Payment for Pango is by credit card only. Pango accepts the following major credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.

Card Number (mandatory):                Your credit card account number.

EXP Date (mandatory):                      Your credit card's expiration date (please choose from list).


Note: The Pango system will use the first and last names entered at the top of this page to set the credit card holder's name. Please verify that the names you entered match the names on your credit card.





How How did you hear of us?                   This is an optional field, which will help us provide better service to both you and future Pango customers (please choose from list).

Please type the displayed characters:              This is a mandatory field used for security purposes to ensure that the account information has been entered by a person rather than a computer.

Terms and Conditions:                                    This is a mandatory field that you must check before clicking on the Confirm button. It indicates that you have read and accept the terms and conditions of Pango. To view the terms and conditions, click on the text.

Confirm:                                                          Clicking on the Confirm button will check that all information has been entered correctly, verify payment details, and create your Pango account.