Pango Pay-by-Phone gives you a smarter and easier way to park. No longer do you have to look for change, deal with parking machines, or worry about a costly parking ticket. With Pango, you can pay for parking quickly and easily through your cell phone and customize your parking account to suit your needs.


The "Reset Password" page is accessible from the MyPango website homepage, and is used in the following situations:

·         You have forgotten your password to access your Pango account on the website

·         You originally registered for the Pango service via a mobile phone and are accessing your account via the MyPango Internet website for the first time


The "Reset Password" page requires entry of several identification fields. If, for any reason, you do not have the required information available to you, then you will not be able to reset the password to you Pango account via the Internet. In this case, please call the MyPango support number for direct assistance.


Field Help Explanation


Action:            Currently showing when user hovers over field



Private / Business Details:


Private / Business:                                           Please make sure that the "Private" button is marked

Car License Plate Number (mandatory):        Your car's license plate number. The Pango service will use this car by default when you call to activate parking. After sign-up is complete, you will be able to add more cars to your account (or change the default car for your account) on the Edit Profile page.

State (mandatory):                                          State for this account (please choose from list).

Personal Identification Number (mandatory): A 4-digit number. Your PIN number will have been originally generated by the Pango system at the time of your registration, and sent you to you via text message.

Please type the displayed characters:              This is a mandatory field used for security purposes to ensure that the account information has been entered by a person rather than a computer.

Reset User's Password:                                   Please click on this button after you have entered the required information on the page. The Pango system will generate a new password for your account, and send it via text message to the account's primary mobile phone number.

Return:                                                            Please click on this button to return to the Pango site.

About SSL Certificates:                                 Please click on this link if you wish to learn about the SSL certificate used by the Pango system to secure your transactions.
